Stylish and comfortable hairstyles to complete your beach outfit
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Stylish and comfortable hairstyles to complete your beach outfit

Summer and summer holidays are fast approaching, which means it is time to start thinking about new beach outfits. Aside from outrageous bikinis and fashionable accessories, we also need to think about the right hairstyle, which is both practical and enhances our beauty. Find out which hairstyles are right for your holiday look

Many people wear their hair open on the beach. This is a great way to look good, especially when posing for holiday photographs. One romantic hairstyle is to dampen hair with water and let it dry in the sun and wind

However, while on vacation you may be swimming, sunbathing or doing a lot of physical activity, you do not want your hair to get in the way. The ideal solution in such cases are ponytails, chignons, and braids, which are just right for summer hairstyles. Stylish hair accessories like Alice bands or scrunchies are also a great way to create beach-ready hairstyles. In an emergency, you may want to hide your hair in a hat or cap with a large brim

Some Inspirational Summer Hairstyles for the Beach

The hairstyle you choose for the beach also depends on the length of your hair. It is easier to control short hair, which is less hot on hot days, especially if the neck is exposed. However, long and mid-length hair gives us more options to make our hairstyle an interesting complement to our holiday look!


Main photo: Gian Cescon/

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